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1.10 - School District Legal Status
1.20 - District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements
1.30 - School District Philosophy
2.10 - School District Governance
2.15 - Superintendent Committees
2.20 Powers and Duties of the School Board Indemnification
2.20 - E Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide
2.25 - Access to District Public Records
2.30 - School District Elections
2.40 - Board Member Qualifications
2.50 - Board Member Term of Office
2.60 - Board Member Removal from Office
2.70 - Vacancies on the School Board - Filling Vacancies
2.80 - Board Member Oath and Conduct
2.100 - Board Member Conflict of Interest
2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban
2.110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
2.120 Board Member Development
2.125 - Board Member Expenses
2.130 - Board - Superintendent Relationship
2.140 - Communications To and From the Board
2.150 Committees
2.150-AP Administrative Procedure-Supt Committees
2.160 - Board Attorney
2.170 - Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services
2.170 - Qualification Based Selection
2.170 - AP Qualification Based Selection
2.200 - Types of School Board Meetings
2.210 - Organizational School Board Meeting
2.220 School Board Meeting Procedure
2.220-E1 Exhibit - Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings & Minutes
2.220-E3 Exhibit - Closed Meeting Minutes
2.220-E5 Exhibit-Semi Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes
2.220-E6 Exhibit-Log of Closed Meeting Minutes
2.220-E8 Exhibit-School Board Records Maintenance Requirements & FAQ
2.220 E9 Exhibit Requirements for No Physical Presence of Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video During Disaster Declaration
2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
2.240 - Board Policy Development
2.250 - Access to District Public Records
2.250 - E1 Written Request for District Public Records
2.250-E2 Exhibit-Immediately Available District Public Records & Web Posted Reports & Records
2.260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
2.260 AP1 Administrative Procedure Guidelines for Investigating Complatins Filed Under Policy 2.260 Uniform Grievance Procedure and Allegations of Misconduct
2.260 AP2 Administrative Procedure Nondiscrimination Coordinator and Complaint Manager
2.265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
2.265 E Exhibit Title IX Sexual Harassment Glossary of Terms
2.265 AP1 Administrative Procedure Title IX Sexual Harassment Response
2.265 AP2 Administrative Procedure Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Grievance Process
3.10 - Goals and Objections
3.30 - Chain of Command
3.40 Superintendent
3.40 E Checklist for the Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process
3.50 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent
3.60 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
3.60 E Event Reporting and Notice Requirements for Building Principals Concerning School Safety and Security
3.70 - Succession of Authority
4.10 - Fiscal and Business Management
4.15 - Identity Protection
4.20 - Fund Balances
4.30 - Operational Services
4.30 - Revenue and Investments
4.40 - Incurring Debt
4.40 - AP Preparing and Updating Disclosures
4.45 Insufficient fund Checks and Debt Recovery
4.50 - Payment Procedures
4.55 - Use of Credit and Procurement Cards
4.60 Purchases and Contracts
4.60-AP 1 - Administrative Procedures - Purchases
4.60-AP 2 - Administrative Procedures - Third Party Non-Instructional Contracts
4.60-AP 3 - Administrative Procedures - Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees
4.60-AP 4 - Admin Procedures - Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review of Contractor Employees
4.60-AP 5 - Admin Procedures - Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures
4.60-AP 5 E - Admin Exhibit - Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions
4.60 - E Notice to Contractors
4.70 Resource Conservation
4.80 - Accounting and Audits
4.90 - Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds
4.100 - Insurance Management
4.110 Transportation
4.110 - AP1 School Bus Post Accident Checklist
4.110 - AP2 Administrative Procedure - Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; and Bus Driving Comments
4.110 - AP3 School Bus Safety Rules
4.110 - E Emergency Medical Information for Students Having Special Needs or Medical Conditions who Ride School Buses
4.120 - Food Service
4.130 - Free and Reduced-Price Food Services
4.130 E Free and Reduced Price Food Service Meal Charge Notification
4.140 Waiver of Student Fees
4.150 - Facility Management and Building Programs
4.160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds
4.165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors
4.170 Safety
4.170-AP1 - Operational Services - Admin Procedure - Comprehensive Safety & Security Plan
4.170-AP2 - Operational Services - Admin Procedure - Routine Communications Concerning Safety & Security
4.170-AP2,5 - Operational Services - Exhibit - Notice to Parents Guardians of Lockdown Drill; Opt-out
4.170 AP4 Administrative Procedure National Terrorism Advisory System
4.170-AP1,E2 Exhibit - Memo to Staff Members Regarding Contacts by Media About a Crisis
4.175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications
4.175-AP1 - Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening
4.180 - Pandemic Preparedness
4.180 AP1 Administrative Procedure School Action Steps for Pandemic Influenza or Other Virus Disease
4.180 AP2 Administrative Procedure Pandemic Influenza Surveillance and Reporting
4.180 AP3 Administrative Procedure Grand Flexibility Payment of Employee Salaries During a Pandemic
4.190 - Targeted School Violence Prevention Program
4.190 - AP1 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program
4.190 - AP1 E1 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program Resources
5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
5.10 AP Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers
5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
5.20-AP Sample Questions & Consideration for Conducting Internal Harassment in the Workplace Investigation
5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria
5.30-AP1 - Interview Questions
5.30-AP2 - Investigations
5.30-AP2, E2 - Exhibit - Notice of Final Hearing Decision Based on Conviction Record
5.30-AP2,E1 - Exhibit - Notice of Preliminary Hiring Decision Based on Conviction Record
5.30-AP 3 - Admin Procedures - Sexual Misconduct Related to Employment History Review
5.30-AP 3 E - Exhibit - Employment History Review Letter to Applicant's Current/Former Employer
5.35 - Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
5.40 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
5.50 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition
5.60 - Expenses
5.70 - Religious Holidays
5.80 - Court Duty
5.90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5.90-AP 1 Coordination with Children's Advocacy Center
5.90-AP 2 - Parent/Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct
5.100 Staff Development Program
5.100-AP Staff Development Program
5.110 - Recognition for Service
5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
5.120-AP2 Employee Conduct Standards
5.120-AP2,E Exhibit - Expectations & Guidelines for Employee-Student Boundries
5.125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct
5.130 - Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
5.140 - Solicitations By or From Staff
5.150 Personnel Records
5.150 AP - Personnel Records
5.170 - Copyright
5.170 AP4 Administrative Procedure General Personnel Designation of District Digital Millennium Copyright Act Agent Registration Process
5.180 - Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
5.185 Family and Medical Leave
5.185-AP Resource Guide for Family & Medical Leave
5.190 - Teacher Qualifications
5.200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
5.210 Resignations
5.220 Substitute Teachers
5.220-AP Substitute Teachers
5.230 - Maintaining Student Discipline
5.240 - Suspension
5.250 Leaves of Absence
5.260 Student Teachers
5.270 - Employment At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment
5.280 - Duties and Qualifications
5.290 Employment Termination and Suspensions
5.300 - Schedules and Employment Year
5.310 - Compensatory Time-Off
5.320 - Evaluation
5.330 ESP Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
5.331 IMRF Employees and Transfer of Sick and or Personal Leave
6.15 School Accountability
6.20 School Year Calendar and Day
6.20 AP Administrative Procedure Remoter and or Blended Remote Learning Day Plans
6.30 - Organization of Instruction
6.40 - Curriculum Development
6.50 School Wellness
6.60 Curriculum Content
6.60-AP1 Comprehensive Health Education Program
6.60-AP1, E1 Exhibit - Notice to Parents Guardians, Request to Examine Materials, Opt out
6.60-AP1,E2 - Exhibit - Resources for Biking & Walking Safety Education
6.60-AP2 - National Sex Education Standards
6.60-AP3 Developmentally Appropriate Consent Education
6.65 - Student Social and Emotional Development
6.70 - Teaching About Religions
6.80 - Teaching About Controversial Issues
6.100 Dissection of Animals
6.110 - Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentive Program
6.120 Education of Children with Disabilities
6.120 AP1 E1 Notice to Parents Guardians Regarding Section 504 Rights
6.130 Program for the Gifted
6.135 Accelerated Placement Program
6.135-AP Accelerated Placement Program Procedures
6.135 AP1 - Accelerated Placement Program
6.135 AP2 - Accelerated Placement Program
6.140 - Education of Homeless Children
6.145 - Migrant Students
6.150 - Home and Hospital Instruction
6.160 - English Language Learners
6.170 - Title 1 Programs
6.180 Extended Instructional Programs
6.185 - Remote Education Program
6.190 - Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
6.210 - Instructional Materials
6.220 Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program; Responsible Use and Conduct
6.230 - Library Media Program
6.230-AP - Responding to Complaints about Library Media Resources
6.230-AP E - Library Media Resource Objection Form
6.235 - Access to Electronic Networks
6.235-AP1 Acceptable Use of District's Electronic Network
6.235-AP2 Web Publishing Guidelines
6.235-E3 Only Privancy Statement
6.235-E4 Keeping Kids Safe on Social Networks
6.240 - Field Trips
6.250 - Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
6.255 - Assemblies and Ceremonies
6.260 - Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
6.270 - Guidance and Counseling Program
6.280 - Grading and Promotion
6.290 - Homework
6.300 Graduation Requirements
6.300-E2 State Law Graduation Requirements
6.300-E3 Exhibit-Form for Exemption from Financial Aid Application Completion
6.310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences Course Substitutions Re-entering Students
6.315 - High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8
6.320 - High School Credit for Proficiency
6.330 - Achievement and Awards
6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program
7.3 4.150 - Facility Management
7.4 4.170 AP1 - Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan
7.5 4.170 - Safety
7.6 4.190 - AP2 Threat Assesment
7.7 4.190 - Targeted School Violence Prevention Program
7.10 Equal Educational Opportunities
7.10 AP1 Administrative Procedure Accommodating Transgender Students or Gender Non Conforming Students
7.10 AP2 Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
7.15 - Student and Family Privacy Rights
7.20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
7.20-AP Harassment of Students Prohibited
7.30 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer
7.40 - Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled
7.50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools
7.60 Residence
7.60-AP1 Challenging a Student's Residence Status
7.60-AP2,E1 Exhibit-Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease
7.60-AP2,E2 Letter of Residence to be Used When Living with a District Resident
7.60-AP2,E3 Exhibit - Evidence of Non-Parent's Custody, Control, and Responsibility of a Student
7.70 Attendance and Truancy
7.80 Release Time for Religious Instruction Observance
7.90 - Release During School Hours
7.100 - Health Eye and Dental Examinations Immunizations and Exclusion of Students
7.130 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
7.140 - Search and Seizure
7.140 AP Administrative Procedure - Use of Metal Detectors for Student Safety
7.150 Agency and Police Interviews
7.160 Student Appearance
7.165 School Uniforms
7.170 - Vandalism
7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
7.180-AP1 E1 - Resource Guide for Bullying Prevention
7.180-AP1 E2 - Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying
7.180-AP1 E3 - Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying
7.180-AP1 E4 - Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying
7.180-AP1 E5 - Report Form for Bullying
7.180-AP1 E6 - Interview Form for Bullying Investigation
7.180-AP1 E7 - Response to Bullying
7.185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
7.185 E - Exhibit Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Teen Dating Violence
7.190 Student Behavior
7.190-AP1 Student Handbook - Hazing Prohibited
7.190-AP3 Guidelines for Reciprocal Reporting of Criminal Offenses Committed by Students
7.190-AP4 Use of Isolated Time Out, Time Out, & Physical Restraint
7.190-AP5 Electronic Devices
7.190-AP6 Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations
7.190-E1 Exhibit - Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter & Form
7.190-E2 Exhibit-Student Handbook Checklist
7.190-E4 Exhibit-Acknowledgement of Receiving Student Behavior Policy and Student Conduct Code
7.200 Suspension Procedures
7.200-E1 Exhibit - Short Term Out-of-School Suspension (1-3 Days) Reporting Form
7.200-E2 Exhibit - Long Term Out-of-School Suspension (4-10 Days) Reporting Form
7.210 Expulsion Procedures
7.210-E1 Exhibit - Notice of Expulsion Hearing
7.220 - Bus Conduct
7.230 - Misconduct by Students with Disabilities
7.240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities
7.240-AP1 Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities
7.250 Student Support Services
7.250-AP2 Protocol for Responding to Students with Social, Emotional, or Mental Health Needs
7.260 Exemption from Physical Education
7.270 Administering Medicines to Students
7.270 AP Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness Prevention Program
7.270 AP1 Dispensing Medication
7.270 AP2 Checklist for District Supply of Undesignated Asthma Medication Epinephrine Injectors and or Opioid Antagonists
7.270 E1 School Medication Authorization Form
7.270 E2 School Medication Authorization Form Medical Cannabis
7.275 Orders to Forego Life Sustaining Treatment
7.280 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
7.280-E2 Exhibit - Reporting and Exclusion Requirements for Common Communicable Diseases
7.285 - Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program
7.285 AP Implementing a Food Allergy Management Program
7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
7.290-AP Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program
7.300 - Extracurricular Athletics
7.305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
7.305 AP Program for Managing Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
7.310 Restrictions on Publications; Elementary Schools
7.310-AP Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications; Elementary Schools
7.315 Restrictions on Publications; High Schools
7.315-AP Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications; High School
7.325 - Student Fund-Raising Activities
7.330 - Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access
7.340 Student Records
7.340-AP1 School Student Records
7.340-AP1,E1 Notice to Parents Guardians & Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student's School Records
7.345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security
7.345-AP Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy & Security
7.345-AP,E4 Notice of Parents Rights Regarding Student Covered Information
7.345-AP,E5 Parent Request Form for Student Covered Information
7.345-AP,E6 Parent Request Form for Correction of Student Covered Information
8.10 - Connection with the Community
8.20 - Community Use of School Facilities
8.20 - E Community Relations Exhibit Application and Procedures for Use of School Facilities
8.20 Exhibit A Facility Use Category 1 and 2
8.20 Exhibit A Facility Use Category 3
8.20 Exhibit A Facility Use Category 4
8.20 Exhibit A Facility Use Category 5
8.20 Exhibit C Community Relations Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement
8.25 - Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities
8.30 - Visitors To and Conduct On School Property
8.30 AP Definition of Child Sex Offender
8.70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
8.80 - Gifts to the District
8.90 - Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
8.95 - Parental Involvement
8.95-AP Parent Involvement
8.100 Relations with Other Organizations and Agencies
8.110 - Public Suggestions and Complaints