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Professional Development & Required Forms for License Renewal

Professional Development

Approved PD Provider Activities

Evidence of Completion

Evaluation Form

Sign In/Out Sheet


·       Award credit on a 1:1 basis – 1 clock hour of attendance = 1 professional development hour. 

·       Provide evidence to ISBE that professional development activities align to the Standards of Professional Learning

·       Produce a written rationale for each professional activity explaining how the activity aligns to the Illinois State Teaching and/or Learning Standards

Activities that will count for renewal (at least one of the following)

·       Provide written rationale for each professional activity explaining how the activity aligns to one or more of the following purposes:

o   Increase the knowledge and skills of school and district leaders who guide continuous professional development

o   Improve the learning of students

o   Organize adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district

o   Deepen educator’s content knowledge

o   Provide educators with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards

o   Prepare educators to appropriately use various types of classroom assessments

o   Use learning strategies appropriate to the intended goals

o   Provide educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate

o   Prepare educators to apply research to decision making

Steps for PD:

1.      Complete the “Approved Professional Development Provider Activity Summary” form and submit to the Curriculum Director at least one week prior to the activity being offered.

2.      Create an agenda for the activity.

3.      The Curriculum Office will send the sign in sheet, evaluation forms, and Evidence of Completion forms through school mail prior to the date of the activity.

4.      Upon completion of the Professional Development Activity, return a copy of the agenda, sign in sheet, and completed evaluation forms to the Curriculum Director.

5.      **TEACHERS are responsible for entering their PD hours into ELIS and keeping documentation of their PD hours.