NMHS Player/Parent Meeting
IHSA Eligibility- Must be passing 5 credit hours per week (5 of 8 classes or 5 of 7 if taking study hall).
Returning students this is based on previous semester grades.
- Eligibility report on Friday’s. Extends from Monday through Saturday of next week.
- Example Baseball game the Friday and Saturday when report comes out- Player can play that night and the next day, but not the next week if they’d have a game on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, etc.
- Many spring sports have early dismissals due to game times When this happens it is your responsibility to turn-in or pick-up missing work. IF you leave before 8th period and an assignment is due that day you must make arrangements to turn it in before you leave. YOU DO NOT GET AN EXTRA DAY BECAUSE YOU LEFT EARLY FOR A GAME/MEET.
- CACC w/early departurestudents may drive to CACC and meet the bus at the game (need a copy of driver’s license & insurance card). Must sign out in office so we know you are driving that day.
- All athletes must have a current physical on file to participate
- Good for 395 days
- Sports physicals don’t count as 9th grade school physical, but a school physical can count as sports physical.
- You cannot participate in games or practices until a current physical is on file in the HS office.
- All athletes and parents must fill out required forms prior to the season starting
- All forms can be found online in your Skyward Account under the forms section
- Please make sure emergency contact information is updated in Skyward
- There are no sports fees required to participate in any sports at North Mac High School
- The school board voted to waive all sports fees
- Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy
- Including lookalikes (Vapes are the same as cigarettes) JUUL’s
- 7 days a week, 365 days a year (YEAR ROUND POLICY)
- Follows throughout High School Career. Does not start over.
- 1st offense Sit out 10% of games/activities
- 2nd offense Sit out 50% of games/activities plus counseling
Fail to follow through = sit out 100%
- 3rd offense Sit out for one Calendar Year
- 4th offense Sit out rest of High School Career
- Coaches may have additional penalties for violations
- Absences
- Athletes must be in school for ALL classes on the day of the game or practice with the exception of a medical appointment or death in the family A personal problem may be excused by the Principal
- A prearranged doctor or dental appointment anytime throughout the day is acceptable. A doctor/dental note is required upon return.
- After school detentions take precedence over practice must serve before going to practice- Do not ask to serve a morning detention for practice
- If an athlete serves an inschool suspension, the athlete may attend an extracurricular event; however, the athlete cannot participate in the event.
- Any athlete serving an outof-school suspension will not be allowed to attend or participate in games or practices during the time of suspension.
- No player may practice or play while medically excused from a doctor or trainer Need proof of clearance before you may return.
- The coach will determine which absences are excused or unexcused
- Athletes in season giving blood
- North Mac prohibits athletes from giving blood during their athletic season unless prior approval by head coach
- IF a player gives blood during their season they can’t participate in practice, conditioning, or game for 24 hours after giving blood.
- IF a player gives blood without prior approval it is up to the coaches to determine the consequences.
- It is the player or parent’s responsibility to notify the coach if the athlete gave blood during the season without prior approval.
- We have several blood drives throughout the year My advice is don’t give during during the season.
- Sportsmanship
- These are kids playing a game
- It is our job as coaches, administrators, players, and parents to be examples of good sportsmanship
- Screaming at the players, coaches, or referees is not good sportsmanship and will not be tolerated at North Mac
- It is a privilege and not a right to play sports at North Mac. We are all held to a higher standard!
TORIE CROCKS-ATHLETIC TRAINER- contact information- Cell Phone (217) 801-5700, email tcrocks@springfieldclinic.com or contact Springfield Clinic (217) 528-7541.