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Science Resources


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Mystery Science Links

Waves of Sound Unit:

Mystery 1 - How do you send a secret code?

Mystery 2 - How Far Can a Whisper Travel?

Mystery 3 - What would happen if you screamed in outer space?

Mystery 4 - Why are some sounds high, and some sounds low?

Birth of Rocks Unit:

Mystery 1 - Could a volcano pop up where you live?

Mystery 2 - Why do some volcanos explode?

Mystery 3- Will a Volcano last forever?

Mystery 4- What did our town look like 100 million years ago?

Mystery 5 - How could you survive a landslide?

Animal and Plant Adaptations Unit:

Mystery 1 - Why do some sea creatures look so strange?

Mystery 2 - Why would a sea turtle eat a plastic bag?

Mystery 3 - Why don't the same trees grow everywhere?

Energizing Everything Unit:

Mystery 1 - How is your body similar to a car?

Mystery 2 - What makes roller coasters go so fast?

Mystery 3 - How can marbles save the world?

Mystery 4 - Could you knock down a building using only dominoes?

Mystery 5 - Can you build a chain reaction machine?

Winter Mini Lessons - 

How do Polar Bears Walk on Ice and Snow?

Why Do Penguins Have Wings If They Can't Fly?

Where Do Bugs Go In Winter?

Who Invented Ice Skates?

What's The Coldest Temperature Any Animal Could Survive?

What's The Coldest Place On Earth?

Could a Kid Win a Race Against a Penguin?

Is There a Pole At The North Pole?


New Mini Lessons

Why is January the first month of the year?

What was the Ice Age like?

How do you know if you need glasses?

Who invented football?

How Were LEGO Bricks Invented?


Volcano WKST Links

National Geographic- 17 Volcano Facts

Explore Volcanos YouTube Video

Mystery Science Lesson Link - Could a Volcano Pop Up Where You Live?


How are things made? 

How are Diamonds Made?

What's the Tallest Skyscraper Anyone Can Build?

How Do Things Glow in the Dark?

How Are Toys Invented?



Fossil Game


Energy Videos 

Energy Video for worksheet

Rollercoaster Video for worksheet