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Below are some fun ways to practice your spelling words.

*Type your words using a computer or typewriter.
*Sailboat spelling.  Spell your words letter by letter

Example: Spell s
*ABC order. Write your words in alphabetical order
*Rainbow spelling. Write your word in one color, then trace over it in two more colors.
*Shaving cream - Put some shaving cream on a table and write your words in it.
*Tic Tac Toe Spelling: Write a spelling word in the box and then draw an O or X over it.
*Squiggly Spelling:  Write the words in squiggle letters.
*Memory:  Write each word on two cards, flip them over, and try to match them.
*Practice Test: Have an adult give you a practice test.
*Sing Them:  Sing the letters to the tune of B-I-N-G-O or make or up your own song/tune!
*Cheer the Words:  Be a cheerleader and cheer the words. Give me an _____!
*Backwards Spelling: Write your words backwards.
*Silly Sentences:  Put each spelling word in a silly sentence. Then spell the word.
*Colored Vowels:  Write each word then trace over every vowel with a crayon or marker.
*Connect the Dots: Write each word in dots and then connect them.
*Bubble Letters:  Write each word in bubble letters.