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Classroom Rules


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Classroom Management –Mrs. Hendricks’s Kindergarten
Our classroom is using a behavior system to reinforce positive behavior. We have a few basic rules in our class. They are as follows: 

1.  Always try your best.

2.  Raise your hand to talk.

3.  Use helpful hands and words.

4.  Make smart choices.

5.  Listen when someone is talking.

6.  Follow directions quickly and quietly.

If a child forgets to follow one of these rules, a verbal warning will be given. If behaviors continue, your child will be asked to take a break from the action (time-out), fix what was broken, or lose a privilege. On the third offense, the parent will be notified and the student will practice the problem procedure during recess. On the fourth offense, I will request a conference with the parents and the student will continue to think about the issue during lunch, recess, or a special class. Continued offenses or extreme behavior may result in an office referral.

These consequences are immediate and directly related to the choice that the student was making. Good choices will be rewarded with dojo points and other privileges.

Your child’s behavior will be marked in his/her agenda each day, along with a note explaining any issues that happened during the day. Please discuss this with your child and initial the agenda each night.


The Panther Pact

My goal today is to be safe, respectful, and responsible.  I will make sure I am safe and my friends are safe.  I will show respect to my teachers, classmates, parents, and anyone I meet.   I will be responsible and work hard to learn as much as I can.  If I make a mistake, I will accept the consequences without anger and try harder the next time to become a leader for my school, my community, and my country.